Sunday, May 18, 2008

World(ly) Peace, an impossible oxymoron

Compromise is to meet something halfway come to an agreement on something even if it might interfere with the believes, customs, or values of a person, group, or organization. In our country's history, there have been multiply amounts of compromises. Compromises on government, land, and life all in the name of peace. Let's face it. We really can't receive peace unless and until we receive GOD completely and do not compromise. Do not compromise or conform to keep those around you at peace when deep down your not really at peace and the person your at peace with is not at peace either,they just didn't realize it the way you realized it. Realizing enough to except a savior. Oh, I have to check my audience. Wait a minute, no I won't. I will not compromise! I will not conform to the government, popular belief, and other people. I must line up to and with GOD! There is no other way by which men can or might be saved except by the name of JESUS.
Now back to the title World Peace , an impossible oxymoron. Many actions in government are based on a popular vote, belief, or thought. No matter how wrong it may be the majority rules. Even if the majority or the most popular are wrong. Most people don't give time to even think about right. Others of them just don't want to be right. Still some don't know how to be right. Unstable they are. and some of the people are running some of (not all) our positions in government . And so our government is just that unstable. Which make everything under it unstable. The WORD of GOD tells us to be in the world and not of it.And The WORD of GOD also says ," be ye holy for I AM holy." The world is not peaceful, right, holy, or going to heaven. The world's ruler is satan, the father of lies. And some of you will not receive this and walk into your deliverance because you choose to listen to a lie, even if you know that the lie is a lie. Satan is sentenced to eternal condemnation. The world follows this not knowingly because it believes the lie. But the Church is maybe at this present state or time in the world or earth, but they do not exhibit the characteristics of someone who believes the lie. They find peace because they are in the world but not like the world in that they walk in the Spirit,with the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Spirit of GOD, with JESUS, through JESUS, and because of JESUS.They find peace because they are in the world or like the world in that they do not act like the world and steal, kill, fornicate, etc. They stand up for what is right. They say what the WORD says instead of what the world says.

They say, " homosexuality is wrong, lesbianism is wrong, idolatry is wrong,adultry is wrong, any kind of sex outside of a marriage relationship is wrong, having sex with an animal is wrong, oral sex is wrong, taking Christianity out of the schools is wrong, taking prayer to Jehovah GOD out of schools is wrong, loving and believing a lie is wrong, disobedience is wrong, pornography is wrong, loving and participating in secular things(music, dress,etc) is wrong, lying is wrong, doing drugs is wrong , doubting GOD is wrong, being afraid is wrong, cursing is wrong, lusting is wrong, doing drugs is wrong, drinking is wrong, legalizing gay marriages is wrong,disobeying parents is wrong, cursing is wrong, hip hop is wrong, lusting is wrong, disobeying laws and authority is wrong ,not standing for GOD is wrong, being like the world is wrong, " and not only do they say, with GOD's help, they walk it out.
We've gone from trusting (in GOD) to lusting.
At first we knew we were going to get what GOD has for us,but now we don't think its coming and desire something else. If you don't have, your attitude should be if GOD did not want me to have it, what's mine is coming or I shouldn't have it because if I did it would destroy my relationship with GOD. HE knows that;that's why I don't have it right now. But in due season, mine is coming.
[(the author's praise break:)Thank You GOD, GOD gives what you need when you need it. The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I have everything I need because GOD will provide it for me. I don't have to worry or fret. The LORD will provide.I should only look to the hills from whence cometh my help .All my help comes from GOD.I cried out unto the and HE heard my cry for help and delivered me. Thank YOU JESUS! Hallelujah!]
So in conclusion, don't compromise even if the majority of the people around you are not right. Stand for GOD who is right and HE'll give you peace. In HIM you'll find peace . Trouble does not last always with GOD. But you go through so that you can be brought forth as pure gold.

Pray for the state of the Union, churches across the world, suffering countries, and God's people around the earth.
Be in the world but not of the world.
Make GOD your peace today.

Accept HIM as your Saviour from the world today .
Tomorrow is not promised.

in love, even the love of Christ,
the author of

May the LORD bless you


Replace evil with the WORD!